Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
GSS engages with private owners and developers to design, build, and operate CHP energy assets on their site, creating prosumers that connect with an energy sharing community. A microgeneration energy retailer connects you with the local microgrid, so buying your electricity and natural gas while exporting your excess electricity, has never been easier.
Most renewable energy technologies can be somewhat intermittent (wind, solar), so using natural gas is the most constant and most reliable form of renewable energy as allowed by the current microgeneration regulation. Converting natural gas to heat and electricity not only provides the baseload energy, but it is financially advantageous and it’s good for the environment as well. The excess electricity that is not consumed is sold back to the grid.
The Energy Center can follow your electrical demand or produce the same amount of energy every hour, so the less energy that your building uses, the more energy that can be sold back to the grid, further reducing your energy costs. Residential homeowners and developers can produce green electrical and thermal energy with expected monthly savings that can also provide a source of residual income.
The GSS Energy Center will still deliver electricity, heating and cooling to your home even if the electrical grid goes down. Businesses and the average person now have the ability to self-supply their power on-site while still remaining grid connected as a back-up and to export their surplus. This can create a more resilient energy network that is less susceptible to catastrophic natural disaster events. Community microgrids and decentralized energy networks can provide the security of uninterrupted energy.
1.5 kW CHP Cogeneration Unit
- 1.5 kw natural gas CHP is in a weatherproof canopy
- Can be installed inside or outside.
- Suitable for domestic hot water and hydronic applications.
- Super quiet 45 dB
Produces 13140 kW of electricity annually – worth approx.$3547. (@ 0.27 /kW*)
Produces 118 Gj of Hot Water 70°C (160°F) annually – worth approx. $1,003. (@ $8.50 Gj*)
4.4 kW CHP Cogeneration Unit
- 4.4 kw natural gas CHP is in a sound enclosure
- Installed in your garage or outside in weatherproof shed.
- Suitable for domestic hot water and hydronic applications.
- Super quiet 55 dB
Produces 35000 kW of electricity annually – worth approx.$9,450. (@ 0.27 /kW*)
Produces 200 Gj of Hot Water 70°C (160°F) annually – worth approx. $1,700. (@ $8.50 Gj*)
10 kW CHP Cogeneration Unit
- SmartPower 10kw natural gas CHP is in a sound enclosure (65 dB)
- Installed in your garage or outside in weatherproof shed.
- Suitable for domestic hot water and hydronic applications.
- Automatic oil change system (including oil draining and refilling).
- Auto lube-oil system (to maintain oil level)
- Catalytic converter.
- Remote monitoring and control.
Produces 87600 kW of electricity annually – $23,652. (@ 0.27 /kW*)
Produces 660 Gj of Hot Water 80°C (180°F) annually – $5,610. (@ $8.50 Gj*)
F/A Furnace – HWT Conversion Kit Unit
- Water to Air Heat Exchanger
- Installed in your existing furnace
- 60,000 – 220,000 BTU/ hr
- Rated 175 psig & 175°C
- Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger
- 110,000-280,000 BTU Capacity
- Copper/SS316L Stainless Steel
- Single Phase Circulating Pump
*All prices are based on August Micro-Generator 2022 rates
Thermal Energy Exchange and Storage System
(Active Zone Geothermal – Price varies by CHP Size & Demand)

These wells could each be 30 TO 200 FT. deep depending on the heating demand of the building.
Connects the wells to the building in a multi-ring configuration. A minimum of a 10’ diameter and up, depending on the size of the CHP.
The Active Zone Geothermal system is used to balance the heating and cooling loads seasonally.
It absorbs all the waste heat from the CHP in summer and shoulder seasons, stores it and sends it back to the home in the winter when needed. The heat recovered is typically 10°C to 40°C and is used primarily for water source heat pumps. The TEES system can use the perimeter rings to store winter cold and is used in the summer for cooling.
The AZG borefield uses a high-performance geothermal PE-RT thermally fused polyethylene pipe that operates at -30°C to 90°C.