A geothermal system is a major investment, and you want yours to last as long as possible so that you reap the greatest benefit from its energy-efficient performance. GSS Integrated Energy Ltd. is here to help you with the regular inspection and maintenance that will see that your geothermal heat pump and system lasts for decades.

Here’s how it works:

  • Schedule an Appointment


    Just call us, chat with us, or use our online form. We’re available 24 hours a day.

  • 20-point Maintenance Inspection


    Our Geothermal experts will perform our 20-point heating system maintenance checklist, which includes all of the manufacturer recommended checks as well as a few of our own.

  • Recommendations


    Based on the inspection, our technician will give you a full run-down on your system, including a breakdown of anything in need of repair and a pricing estimate for the work.

  • Fix It


    If anything is in need of repair or replacement, we’ll get right on it as soon as you sign off on our estimate. If we need to order parts, we’ll schedule a follow up appointment for when they arrive.

Now you’re ready for any season!

Call Mike @ (780) 951-1458 to set up an appointment today!